Thursday, 25 February 2016

Bond University

Image result for Bond University
Bond University campus designed and developed by master planner Daryl Jackson Jackson architecture with significant contributions from Queensland architect Robin Gibson was. Architect Arata Isozaki building design signature hardcore Japanese. The complex artificial lake Orr faculty buildings centered around a number of sandstone. Was Australia, green star-education design of the Green Building Council of Australia rating Star certified pilot to get a 6 and was in the year 2008 bond University Mirvac School of sustainable development by the Hon. Julia Gillard inaugurated construction
A limited liability company is limited to bond University. It has no shareholders. A not-for-profit organization in case of bond University as university governance provide 30 members, the University Council, which is the bond of the University of limited, with a subscription to Company Limited. Governance Constitution confirmed. Chairman of the Board Chief Executive Officer of The University. offices, Vice Chancellor and President of the University is the Chancellor, in turnis responsible, Board of Trustees. Top academic body of the University Academic Council Senate by the Constitution of the company. The governance activities and gives legal rights to University and confirmed the status of the bond University Act supports a University 1987. University is a limited liability company and guide bond University a-listed public corporations independent as well as company In 2012 under universities provisions of the Act the highest rating five stars at the most important performance indicators obtained by Australian University, has been appointed as. Bonds also has the highest rating in the good universities Guide, 2007 and 2009 Australian University and 2008 and was regarded as an equal second highest in 2010.
University research worldwide for Australian universities research and quality it was equal to 31 2010 Australia ranking excellence. Top 10 universities in era in 2010 Report ranks Australia bond by bond in world commerce, management, tourism and services, research in the area as the standard business University Faculty. In the field of Economics and management, and the world standard rankings achieved for research faculty stand atop the world. According to the Australian financial review in Australia Executive MBA MBA rankings the previous owner (2013) bond # 1 student satisfaction, and among the top 5 MBA ranked top 3.

Victoria University

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In the year 2014, V.u 46.198 student. Almost 60% of higher education institutions enrolled courses and 40% studied in T.A.F.E courses. These students an v.u onshore international students 5682 Melbourne or Sydney Campus and 8761 V.U programs offshore international students mainly located in Asia was one of its subsidiaries.
Of the seven universities of applied science, certificateand diploma postgraduate certificate University degree and diploma, master's and doctoral level research degree (students) started to provide internationally recognized qualifications. Two additional colleges (Victoria Institute of technology) and the V.U College provides vocational training courses. Former art college diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate courses and research in art, communication, community development, creative art and industry, psychology, social sciences and social work offers a range of. College of business in Australia is one of the largest business schools. Business, management, accounting, finance, supply chain and logistics, marketing and human resources takes place in various business fields, including training. It conducts research in their respective centres: Institute for logistics and supply chain and strategic economic Studies.The Victoria College of engineering and Science Institute offers architecture, construction, civil, mechanical, electrical and technology courses as well as courses in computer science building survey and science. Stressed, along with schools, non-profit organizations and industry, especially through its participation in Western Melbourne Education College teachers and youth learn in workplace education. It's a graduate education (P-12) some Australian universities, so that each can teach graduate leve loffered. Victoria Institute, focuses on inclusive education, Education of health and bio medical therapy. The College is part of the College of osteopathy, beauty therapy,nutrition and health officer offers practical teaching, learning and research in nursing and midwifery, dermal. Study in simulation laboratories and training clinics and salons in most courses. Law and Justice College City Campus for Melbourne Sir Zelman Cowen Centre district in Queen Victoria University School of law. This undergraduate and graduate law degree and legal migration method, including course provides training lawyers. The second and third year students participate in real-world cases in The magistrates ' Courts Melbourne, sunshine and Werribee. college sports and science training courses sports, physical education, sports management, coaching and science aspects of training offers. Footscray Park campus courses and mainly, the University's new game site-based game, movement and active living (I.S.E.A.L) learn pedestrian area, including the Institute of. Polytechnic University of Victoria is T.A.F.E, engineering and processing, hairdressing, hospitality and building national training package qualification provides. These interns and apprentices, trainees in the courses, the development of skills for current workers, as well as staff training, aimed at both national and international level for companies are included. V.U college English language literacy and numeracy skills including support for all colleges, local and international students for student aid provides a range of programs. This state-accredited and customised courses and career development services.